Swisscom Academy: Smartphone/Tablet Course

Using the internet securely on your phone or tablet

What is a secure password? How can I protect myself from phishing? Which internet connections are secure? The internet and the opportunities offered by the digital world can bring a lot of enjoyment, but they require a cautious approach to enable you to take full advantage of them. This course teaches you how to protect your data from unwanted access.

The benefits

  • You know how to create and manage secure passwords
  • You are familiar with different types of misuse (phishing, spam etc.) and know how to protect yourself from themSie wissen, wie Sie unerwünschte Anrufe, E-Mails und Nachrichten unterbinden
  • You know how to block unsolicited calls, e-mails and messages
  • You can surf the Internet safely at home and on the move
  • You know the fundamental rules and applications that protect your devices against attacks

Target audience

You want to enhance your knowledge of data protection and protect yourself from the misuse of data. No prior knowledge is required to attend this course. Please note that the course is designed solely for issues relating to the use of smartphones and tablets.

 2 hours

Costs in CHF
