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Market analysis: Next Gen Private/Hybrid Cloud – Datacenter Solutions & Services CH 2022

The demand for IT and cloud services in Switzerland has reached a new high in 2022. At the same time, the complexity of the cloud landscapes to be managed is growing, the need for more resilience and greater agility is increasing, and access to expert knowledge is becoming more important than ever.


The analysis by the market researcher ISG shows that Swisscom continues to be one of the leading cloud experts in the Swiss market. This applies particularly to the areas of managed services, managed hosting, and colocation services. In addition to the solutions and services developed in-house, Swisscom owes its strong positioning to its strategic partnerships with the technology providers AWS, Dell Technologies, Microsoft Azure and VMware.

Number of pages: 60

Recommended for: Business managers / IT specialists

In particular for: Head of IT and/or Infrastructure, Teamleads/Head of Software Development

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