Corporate Governance

Swisscom pursues long-term, sustainable corporate governance that takes the interests of all stakeholders into account. Our corporate governance is characterised by transparency and clear responsibilities. It is based on recognised standards such as the recommendations of economiesuisse, the umbrella organisation which represents the Swiss economy.

Organisation & structure

Group Executive Board

Members, CVs and remuneration

To the Group Executive Board

General Shareholders’ Meeting

Results, videos, minutes

The corporate and capital structure, management committees and powers and responsibilities set by the Board of Directors ensure the strategic and financial management of Swisscom.

General Shareholder's Meeting
Board of Directors
Group Executive Board
Organisation and structure

Board of Directors

Members, CVs and remuneration

To the Board of Directors

Rules & risk management

The purpose of Swisscom’s Enterprise Risk Management is to protect its corporate value. It takes into account both external and internal events and is based on the established standard ISO 31000.

Guiding principles
ISO/IEC management system

Risk management

Find out more

Guiding principles

Code of Conduct, Articles of Incorporation and Rules of Procedure

More about the guiding principles

ISO certifications

Go to management­ system

Result 2024

Annual Report 2024

Go to report


Do you have any questions, suggestions or constructive criticism? Get in touch with us.

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