Corporate Number 058

Be contactable on the same 058 number from anywhere in Switzerland and route customer calls, e.g. according to language region. Contact us.

We will be happy to advise you.

An SME expert will call you back within a few seconds

  • Standardised phone numbers: Same prefix throughout Switzerland
  • Flexible control: Thanks to intelligent routing
  • 24/7 support: Support from our customer service staff

Quick, flexible, uncomplicated calling

You are a large company and you want incoming calls to be answered in a quick and straightforward manner. You want to be able to decide when and how you receive these calls. In addition, you want a standardised telephone numbering system throughout Switzerland, which includes all your company sites.
The answer: 058
Corporate Number 058 can offer you flexible control of incoming calls thanks to intelligent routing options. This makes it possible to forward calls to a destination number of your choice according to their origin (e.g. language region) or time. Accessibility of contact persons and offices in your company is ensured at all times.
One other benefit: you receive the same telephone numbering system throughout Switzerland for your landline, fax and mobile numbers (area code 058), regardless of your company’s location. Your existing telephone numbers will continue to remain active. They will simply be connected to the relevant 058 number in our network.

Your benefits at a glance

  • Individual call forwarding to different destination numbers according to call origin (e.g. language area/region) or time (e.g. day of the week/time of day).
  • Destination numbers and routing can be modified at any time via web tool, telephone or customer service (e.g. for company reorganisation, staff changes, etc.).
  • The same telephone numbering system throughout Switzerland (area code 058) for landline, fax and mobile numbers, regardless of geographical location.
  • The preferred 058 number block can be reserved up to 12 months in advance.
  • 24/7 support from our customer service staff.
  • Call forwarding also possible to foreign numbers.
  • Change requests also carried out in the evening and at weekends.
  • If the infrastructure fails, the “secure routing” option ensures continued accessibility.
  • Comprehensive support from requirement clarification right up to implementation.

Further information about Corporate Number 058

Any questions? We will be happy to help

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