curaMED medication tool

Patient safety at the heart of updated medication tool

Comprehensive check for interactions and risks in real time, integration with doctor’s dispensing and billing system, and the option to merge different medication plans – that’s curaMED’s new medication tool in a nutshell.

Text: Swisscom, Image: curaMED,

«The new medication module consists of several interconnected components,» says Jean-Pierre Messerli, Product Owner curaMED. «At the heart of it is the patient’s medication plan with prescribing and doctor dispensing both with and without integration with an automated dispensing machine.»

The module is integrated with expert system Documedis, which comes with Clinical Decision Support, BlueMedication for the advanced merging of medication plans and the printout of the Swiss medication plan as set by IG eMediplan.

«And the effort was well worth it. In my opinion, we have developed one of the best medication tools in Switzerland for outpatient medical practices.»

Jean-Pierre Messerli

So, what does this mean exactly?

1. Interactions, allergies and risks are checked in real time

The doctor can easily check and update the patient’s medication on their medical record using inline editing. They can discontinue the use of medicines, prescribe new ones and adjust dosages. «While the doctor inputs all the details, the tool performs real-time checks for possible interactions, allergies and intolerances, double dosages and amounts exceeding the maximum daily dosage, whether the dosage needs to be reduced due to liver or kidney problems, whether the medication impacts the ability to drive, contraindications during pregnancy or breastfeeding, food interactions, and doping in the case of athletes,» explains Messerli.


All this is possible because the medication tool is integrated with the Documedis expert system, which performs a Clinical Decision Support Check (CDS). «Simple coloured symbols immediately indicate whether everything is in order or not,» explains Messerli. «With just one click on the icon, any problems are shown in detail so that the doctor can adjust the medication plan if necessary. Recording the risks for the patient helps avoid over-alerting.»


2. Optimised dispensing process

In a second step, medication is dispensed either via a prescription or through the doctor’s dispensing service. Prescriptions can be easily printed. In the case of dispensing doctors, the practice pharmacy’s current stock can be viewed at all times. For every prescription fulfilled by the doctor’s dispensing service, the medical practice assistant receives a separate order. If the practice has a ROWA automated dispensing machine, the medication will be dispensed there. Medicines dispensed at the doctor’s practice are automatically billed. And it does not matter where the medicines are recorded or adjusted. The medication plan, doctor’s dispensing system and service entry are always updated at the same time.


3. Merge and print out medication plans

If patients bring an eMediplan with them, this can be transferred to the medication plan on their medical record. The integration with BlueMedication also allows different medication plans to be merged. The medication plan is printed out for patients in the form of a Swiss medication plan with QR code, as specified by IG eMediplan. This way, patients always have an up-to-date medication plan.



More time for the essentials

The curaMED development team has completely updated the medication tool in the practice information system. «We’ve invested a little over a year in its development», says Jean-Pierre Messerli. «And the effort was well worth it. In my opinion, we have developed one of the best medication tools in Switzerland for outpatient medical practices.»

This leaves the doctors with more time for the essentials: «At the end of the day, patients and patient safety are always at the heart of the medication tool.»

Summary of optimised medication in curaMED

  • Medication plan including IG eMediplan printout with QR code 
  • Prescription and doctor dispensing with preparation screen
  • Transfer an IG eMediplan to the medication plan
  • Integration of Documedis CDS Check, including personalised risk factors 
  • Integration of BlueMedication for merging two medication plans 
  • Integration of ROWA automatic dispensing machine for dispensing doctors 
  • Medicines dispensed by the doctor are automatically billed and updated when entered directly in the service entry, on the medication plan and the doctor’s dispensing system
  • Avoid over-alerting thanks to recording the patient’s risks
  • Easily check and update medication thanks to inline editing in the medical record

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