The state-of-the-art IT infrastructure from the cloud.

Mirus Software AG develops back office solutions for the hospitality, catering and tourism industries. It sources parts of its IT infrastructure from Swisscom data centres on a flexible basis.

The challenge:
to find the resources required for a dynamic business.

Mirus Software organises back-office processes formore than 3,500 companies and is used as a trainingtool in leading hotel management schools. In addition,the social insurance office for the industry, Gastro-Social, with which 22,000 companies are associated,has also placed its trust in the services provided byMirus. Mirus previously made use of an Infrastructureas a Service (IaaS) solution in order to process thedata belonging to GastroSocial. “However, this did notprovide the customer, GastroSocial, with the requiredlevel of flexibility,” explained Chief Executive FabianFingerhuth. “That is why we were seeking a reasonablypriced new solution that could be easily adapted tothe GastroSocial business case.”

The solution:
to increase computing power at the press of a button.

With its Dynamic Computing Services, Swisscom isable to meet the exacting requirements of Mirus withregard to capacity, flexibility and security. The companyis able to draw as much IT power as it requiresfrom secure Swisscom data centres in order to processthe GastroSocial data, without having to invest inexpensive hardware. Fabian Fingerhuth clarifies:“Whereas before we had to wait for up to three daysfor additional resources to arrive, those resources arenow available to us just ten minutes after placing ourorder. The solution provided by Swisscom saves usfrom unnecessarily purchasing additional infrastructurethat we may then never use again.” Mirus onlypays for the computing power actually used; invoicingtakes place to the nearest hour.

The result:
a high degree of freedom built upon a secure foundation.

Many IT users have their doubts about cloud-basedIaaS solutions, as they are under the impression thatthey are not secure. Fabian Fingerhuth is not one ofthem: “Swisscom stores GastroSocial’s data withinSwitzerland, the backups are geo-redundant and aremonitored in a highly professional manner and thebackup tools and firewalls are always cutting edge.To date – after one and a half years – the systems havenever failed. My conclusion: The solution allows us towork more securely than with a locally-operated infrastructure.”Fabian Fingerhuth was also full of praise forthe Swisscom specialists: “Although we are a relativelysmall player, Swisscom has demonstrated a great dealof commitment and has held us in high regard. Theavailability of our contact person is exemplary!”

“Before it took three days for us to gain additional computing power. Now it takes ten minutes.”

Fabian Fingerhuth
Chief Executive at Mirus Software AG


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