Practice chains

curaMED improves admin for practice chains

With curaMED’s new location concept, it is easier for practice chains to organise their staff and patients across multiple locations.

Text: Swisscom, Image: iStockphoto,

One practice, one location – that’s how things used to be. Nowadays, however, more and more practices have multiple locations. Practice chains are just as commonplace as a single practice. That is why the curaMED team has developed a new location concept that simplifies the organisation of staff and patients across several practice locations.

“In the future, it will be possible to assign staff to different practice locations in the settings – either to one location or to several as needed,”

Vinzenz Uhr, Product Owner curaMED

Putting an end to multiple logins for one person

The solution previously provided by curaMED meant that one doctor working across several locations either had several logins, i.e. one for each location, or that the data was completely intermixed. Anyone who wanted to reserve a treatment room at location B also had the option to choose a room from treatment location A. “Both of these solutions are unnecessarily complicated,” says Vinzenz Uhr, Product Owner at curaMED.

Assigning staff to a location

“In the future, it will be possible to assign staff to different practice locations in the settings – either to one location or to several as needed,” Uhr explains. “When I log in as a user, curaMED asks which location I am working from. All the information that follows is adapted to this location: staff planning, billing, schedules and available equipment etc.”

Assigning patients to a location

Patients can also be assigned to the location where they are being treated. “If patients are being treated at different locations, for example because different specialists work at different practices, the complete patient file can still always be viewed from anywhere.” And because bills can also be created according to location, corresponding analyses can also be carried out.

Roll-out from spring 2022

The new location concept will be available from spring 2022 and will be rolled out over three releases.

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