• Additional option

    Remote Access Service

    With Remote Access Service, you can access your company network (VPN) via an encrypted connection while you’re on the move or from your home office.

  • Just right for your business

    The flexible corporate network

    Business Network Solutions offers you a secure, modern and flexible network solution that can you can continuously adapt to the specific needs of your SME.

Corporate network & remote access: functions & options

Collaborate across company sites

Link company sites easily via VPN to access shared data, programs and printers.

Protect company data

All network data are saved on Swisscom servers in Switzerland. You can additionally protect your network with a managed firewall.

Work on the move or at home

Securely access the corporate network when you are out of the office via an encrypted connection (Remote Access Service).

Your benefits with a corporate network and remote access

Thank to VPN, your data bypasses the public Internet

Enhanced data security as access to the corporate network from all locations is separate from the public Internet. Your data never leaves the corporate network. Swisscom cloud services can be integrated into the corporate network.

Double security

The network can be protected by a managed firewall. Access is also protected by two-factor authentication (password + SMS/Mobile ID).  

Availability of business-critical applications

Business-critical, IP-based applications (e.g. cloud services, IP telephony) are prioritised in the network over other applications.

VPN and offices networking

Benefits of a Swisscom network solution: offices networking with VPN and access from anywhere to your data via the remote access service. This enables your employees to access central data (e.g. servers) when working from home or on the move (e.g. reps in the field). Access is particularly secure thanks to the latest authentication standards. Contact us for no-obligation advice on VPN and offices networking for your business.

Available services

Basic package

Business Network Solutions

Professional flexible VPN corporate network
(site networking) Access to shared network drives, programs and printers.

From CHF/mth per site


* The basic package costs only CHF 30 per month for one site. A Swisscom Business Internet Services connection (XS – L) is a prerequisite.

Additional options

Remote Access Service

Encrypted external access (VPN) to the network for your employees

From CHF/mth


Fixe IP Adressen

For the provision of services that have to be accessed externally.

From CHF/mth


Managed Firewall

The port-based firewall protects from dangers and lets you set up special security settings.

From CHF/mth per site


Managed LAN

Get LAN and WLAN management (e.g. user group management) via the service model.

From CHF/mth per site




Business Internet Services lets you choose between 4 product versions with down/upload speeds of 10 Mbit/s - 1 Gbit/s and various service levels.

From CHF/mth per site


Basic package

Business Network Solutions complement your Internet access with a secure and flexible network environment

Business Network Solutions

Run a secure corporate network (VPN) to connect several sites

All sites then have access to the same data, programs (e.g. CRM/ERP) and printers

Change settings at the push of a button and adapt network services simply via the cockpit

Fully supported corporate network. Operated and maintained by Swisscom

Add the following modules

From CHF/mth per site


* The basic package costs only CHF 30 per month for one site. A Swisscom Business Internet Services connection (XS – L) is a prerequisite.

Additional options

Remote Access Service

Encrypted access (VPN) to programs, data and printers in the VPN network from home or on the move



From CHF/mth


Fixed IP addresses

To provide Internet services, such as online shops, web or mail servers, that employees have to access externally (e.g. when working from home)




From CHF/mth


Managed Firewall

The port-based firewall protects from dangers and lets you set up special security settings

From CHF/mth per site



High-performance Internet

4 product versions with 10 Mbit/s – 1 Gbit/s download/upload

Security options with various service levels

Business Network Solutions is also available with Business Internet Services XS.


1 Gbit/s

max. down/upload

Fail-safe guarantee

Via the mobile data network in the event of a network fault

Service Level Advanced

Best support times

max. 8h fault
rectification time 
Mon - Fri 6 am - 10 pm
Sat 6 am - 10 pm Guaranteed fault rectification within 8 hours. Compensation in case of non-adherence to the promised rectification time.

From CHF/mth per connection



300 Mbit/s

max. down/upload

Fail-safe guarantee

Via the mobile data network in the event of a network fault

Service Level Plus

Extended support times  Mon - Fri 8 am - 7 pm
Sat 8 am - 5 pm





From CHF/mth per connection



100 Mbit/s

max. down/upload




Service Level Standard

Standard support times  24/7 availability,
Standard support times
Mon - Fri 8 am - 5 pm





From CHF/mth per connection


Gian Marco Menzli

«Response times are now shorter, so customers can enjoy their winter holidays with good customer service.»

Gian Marco Menzli. Menzli Sport, uses Business Network Solutions, the flexible corporate network.


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