Friendly Work Space

Friendly Work Space is the only stamp of quality in Switzerland that recognises companies with a strong occupational health management system. This may sound pretty dry at first, but in concrete terms, it means that we provide a working environment that supports our employees in staying healthy and motivated over the long term. Because when we are healthy, everything is easier – at home and at work. And in the end, that helps everyone – the employees and Swisscom. We have three main areas of focus.

1. Strengthening our employees from within

Often, we cannot control what is happening around us. But we can certainly control how we deal with it. That is why resilience is so important to us. We want to strengthen our employees from within. For example, through mindfulness training, nutrition tips, mental health first aid courses, webinars on preventing burnout. The massage chairs, which we have in various locations, are also very popular and allow employees to relax between meetings. And we make sure to provide fresh and healthy food in our cafeterias.

2. Listening to our employees

Our employees know best what environment and conditions they need to work productively. We therefore continuously include their feedback, whether from comments on the intranet or in the employee survey, in the further development of our programmes. For example, an increasing number of employees would like the option of standing desks and space for more concentrated work. We therefore work closely with colleagues from facility management and the sustainability and communication departments to examine what is possible and useful. Many ideas also come from our ambassador community: employees who represent their particular area of the company to the outside world.

3. Trying out new things together and learning continuously

Innovation is part of the Swisscom DNA. This is also true in occupational health management. We develop new ideas together with the employee community, run pilots and incorporate the findings into the subsequent implementation. We are learning all the time. Today, for example, we are increasingly employing the gamification approach to our work. My personal dream? A health cockpit that shows the effectiveness of all the measures we are taking, so that we can support our colleagues even better.

Martina Novo

Martina Novo

Head of Health & Care Expertise

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