“Emergencies are part of the spice of life.”
In the department I work in, there's a sense of optimism right now. We are dealing with special ICT services for business customers.
In the department I work in, there's a sense of optimism right now. We are dealing with special ICT services for business customers.
I juggle resources, make sure the right people are in the right place, and keep track of things. In my spare time I have been training for my private helicopter pilot’s license. Since then I have become more flexible in my thinking. I am more daring and just go for things. The training also covers how to deal with dangerous situations. Of course, I really hope that I will never experience that when I fly in reality. In the office, on the other hand, I appreciate “emergencies”, such as the positive stress when we want to win a new project. My dream is to fly a Super Puma - the Swiss military helicopter; it fascinates me in terms of its size and technology.
ICT Service Operation Manager
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