“Ambitious in all situations.”
I developed a tremendous sense of ambition through elite handcycling, a passion I have successfully been pursuing since I was 10 years old.
I developed a tremendous sense of ambition through elite handcycling, a passion I have successfully been pursuing since I was 10 years old.
I’m now putting this to use in my fulfilling job as HR Operations Assistant at Swisscom and in my sporting pursuits. While I was completing my commercial apprenticeship at Swisscom, I was able to strike a very good balance between my apprenticeship and my elite sporting commitments thanks to flexible working hours. I’ve been on the national team since 2020, which means that training camps and competitions take up more of my time. But thanks to the alternative working time model at Swisscom, this isn’t a problem. It isn’t a matter of course for my employer to support inclusion and enable me to achieve my professional and personal goals the way Swisscom has for years now. I hope that with all these opportunities, I will soon be able to fulfil my long-awaited dream of competing at the Paris 2024 Paralympics Games.
HR Operations Assistant
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