“I enjoy the challenge of finding solutions to complex problems.”
I have a doctorate in maths – however, after ten years at university, I really wanted to apply my knowledge and do something with it. I just wasn’t sure what area to go into.
I have a doctorate in maths – however, after ten years at university, I really wanted to apply my knowledge and do something with it. I just wasn’t sure what area to go into.
At the graduate fair, I visited the Swisscom stand, where I heard mention of artificial intelligence and I knew straight away: That’s it. I started as a trainee, which gave me the opportunity to be involved in three different projects and gain knowledge in a targeted manner. One of my projects involved automating the e-mail triage for the corporate customer business with the aid of data science. I am a creative person and love knitting and juggling – as well as maths of course. As a trainee, I was personally responsible for the projects I work on, whether I look for a mentor and for finding a permanent position – it was both a challenge and an opportunity. I now work as an Analytics & AI Engineer and can say in all honesty that I enjoy my job.
Analytics & AI Engineer
Find the job or career world that suits you. In which you want to help shape and develop yourself.
What you make of it is what defines us.