Miranda Saraswat

My work is a balancing act between technical feasibility and meeting customer wishes. As a DevOps Engineer, I develop applications such as the My Swisscom Customer Center and am also jointly responsible for their operation. The key is to find a technical implementation that is easy and intuitive to use and works reliably. What is the benefit of the new feature, the update, the fix? This question is what drives me. As a team, we always keep the big picture in mind and try not to get lost in technical details. We seek simplicity and, thanks to this mindset, we are able to find unexpected and convincing solutions. The complexity of our work is invisible to our clients and that is exactly how it should be. I am motivated by learning new things, being challenged every day and creating the best customer experience.

Ready for the best service

They make the best customer experience possible: our employees. In the Zoom Service Portraits series, we show what “service” means to them. Whether in direct contact with customers, in software development or in network expansion – the idea of service informs everything we do. Together, we are ready to inspire our customers.

What you make of it is what we’re made of.

Miranda Saraswat

DevOps Engineer, Zurich

We are Swisscom

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Find the job or career world that suits you. In which you want to help shape and develop yourself.

What you make of it is what defines us.

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