She is happy about not being bothered by unsolicited advertising calls: Woman in front of the Federal Palace in Bern
Unsolicited advertising calls

Swisscom improves Callfilter for blocking unsolicited advertising calls

Swisscom is supporting your customers in the fight against unsolicited advertising calls by improving its Callfilter function. Mobile customers, for example, can now use the function for individual blacklists and whitelists. Swisscom prepaid customers can now also benefit from protection against unsolicited advertising calls. Customers can activate the filter in the Swisscom Cockpit free of charge.
Annina Merk
Annina Merk, Media spokesperson
01 June 2021

At Swisscom, unsolicited advertising calls have not been an issue since 2016. The Callfilter protects customers from unwanted advertising calls from suspicious call centres. Today, Swisscom is already protecting around one million customers who have activated the Callfilter. “Unsolicited advertising calls were proving a daily nuisance for our customers. Our dedicated Callfilter provides our customers with effective protection against unsolicited advertising calls. Every day, the Callfilter blocks around 200,000 calls so they can no longer annoy our customers. We have thus eradicated a genuine nuisance for our customers,” explains Dirk Wierzbitzki, Head of Residential Customers and member of the Swisscom Group Executive Board. “Calls from legitimate call centres, which follow the rules and comply with industry agreements, are not blocked.” Every day, the dynamic Callfilter automatically checks several million of calls in accordance with specific criteria.


Swisscom is now improving its service for mobile customers, giving them access to the individual blacklist/whitelist function, which is already available to fixed network customers, as of 1 July 2021. This allows customers to decide for themselves which numbers to block and which to approve to ensure that they always receive the calls they want. Customers can configure these settings easily in the Swisscom Cockpit. Through this service, Swisscom is responding to an important customer requirement.

New protection for prepaid customers

The Callfilter will soon also be available to all Swisscom prepaid customers, protecting them from unsolicited advertising calls. Prepaid customers will be able to activate the Callfilter in the Swisscom Cockpit with effect from 1 July 2021.



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